Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group

Combined CDF and DØ Measurement of WZ and ZZ Production in b-tagged Channels with up to 9.5 fb-1 of Data
March, 2012
Preliminary Results
We measure the total WZ+ZZ cross section of 4.47±0.64 (stat)
–0.72 (syst) pb, which is
consistent with the standard model prediction and which corresponds to
a significance of 4.6 standard deviations above the background-only hypothesis.
This measurement is performed in the same data samples and
with the same event selection requirements and multivariate analysis training methods as those used by the
and ZH→l+l-bb
searches, considering the WZ and ZZ production processes
as signals instead of the Higgs boson signals. The WW process was considered a background,
as W boson decays contain b quarks only very rarely and never into a pair of b quarks.
The same note is available as CDF Note 10802 and DØ Note 6311, and FERMILAB-CONF-12-068-E
Links to the Analyses Combined Here
CDF's Measurement of WZ and ZZ Production in Final States with b-tagged jets
DØ's Evidence
for and Measurement of WZ+ZZ Final States with b-tagged jets
CDF's Higgs Results
DØ's Higgs Results
SM Higgs Combination Performed with the Same Dataset and Corresponding Analyses
The images displayed below are low-resolution jpg's. Higher-resolution gif's
and vector-graphic eps files are also provided on the links below.
mjj Distributions in the three tagging categories
Background-subtracted mjj data plots showing the expected diboson signal.
Background-subtracted plots as above, but with a SM Higgs boson signal with mH=120 GeV shown
along with the expected diboson signal.