Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group

Combined CDF and DØ Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons with up to 8.2 fb-1
July 17, 2011
L=7.0 fb-1 (CDF) and 8.2 fb-1 (DØ)
(95% C.L. exclusion of 10.5 times the SM prediction at mH = 115 GeV/c2)
This result is a combination of CDF and DØ's searches for H→γγ
The dominant production mode is gg→H, but we also include WH, ZH, and Vector-Boson Fusion (VBF).
Note for speakers: for the gg→H production cross section, please cite both
D. de Florian and M. Grazzini, arXiv:0901.2427 [hep-ph] and
C. Anastasiou, R. Boughezal, and F. Petriello, arXiv:0811.3458 [hep-ph].
Citations for all cross sections used may be found in the papers.
The gif format is very high resolution, and the eps format is vector graphics.


More Tevatron Higgs comvination results are available at http://tevnphwg/