Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group

Combined CDF and DØ Searches for Standard Model Higgs Boson Production
March, 2012
Preliminary Results
Winter 2012 Higgs Combination with integrated luminosities up to 10.0 fb-1.
95% C.L. exclusion for SM Higgs with mass mH between 147 and 179 GeV/c2, and
between 100 and 106 GeV/c2.
An excess with a significance of 2.2σ is seen that might
be interpreted as coming from a Higgs boson with a mass in the region of 115 to 135 GeV.
The results of combinations of searches
for H→bb, H→W+W-, and
H→γγ are shown as well.
The same note is available as CDF Note 10806 and DØ Note 6303, and FERMILAB-CONF-12-065-E
Figures: SM Higgs Boson Search
The images displayed below are low-resolution jpg's. Higher-resolution gif's
and vector-graphic eps files are also provided on the links below.
Figures: H→bb Decay Channel-Specific Plots
Figures: H→W+W- Decay Channel-Specific Plots
Figure: H→γγ Decay Channel-Specific Plot
Figures: Background-subtracted b-tagged mjj distributions showing the expected diboson signal and a SM Higgs boson signal with mH=120 GeV
Previous SM Higgs combinations