Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group

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This working group combines CDF and DØ results on
searches for New Phenomena and Higgs bosons on behalf of the collaborations.
Most Recent Spin and Parity Results
April 2015: Combined CDF and DØ Constraints on Models for the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity
This is available as T. Aaltonen et al. (CDF and
D0 Collaborations), Phys Rev. Lett. 114, 151802 (2015). The preprint is available at
arXiv:1502.00967 [hep-ex].
CDF and DØ searched for exotic
pseudoscalar and graviton-like Higgs bosons with J P=0- and
2+, respectively, using the VH→Vbb channels.
Limits are set on the production rate times the decay branching rato to bb,
and hypothesis tests are performed and described.
Most Recent SM Higgs Search Results
Spring/Summer 2013: Higgs Boson Studies at the Tevatron with 10 fb-1 of data
This is available as Phys. Rev. D 88, 052014 (2013).
The preprint is available at arXiv:1303.6346.
This paper documents searches for the SM Higgs boson and studies of the excess of events collected by CDF and DØ
Results are reported for the SM Higgs boson, the Higgs boson of the SM4, and also for a Fermiophobic Higgs model.
Coupling fits are performed and described.
Summer 2012 Combined CDF and DØ Searches for H→bb in associated
production channels Evidence for a particle produced in association with a weak vector boson and which decays to a bottom-antibottom pair.
Published in the August 17, 2012 issue of Physical Review Letters.
Summer 2012 Combined CDF and DØ Searches for Standard Model Higgs Boson Production,
with Luminosities up to 10 fb-1 Preliminary Results. 95% C.L. exclusion of
147 < mH < 180 GeV/c2. A 2.5σ excess is seen that might
be interpreted as coming from a Higgs boson with a mass in the region of 115 to 135 GeV. Searches
for H→bb, H→W+W-, and H→γγ are combined.
A 2.9σ excess is seen in the combined H→bb searches.
Most Recent b-Tagged WZ/ZZ Measurement
Winter 2012 Combined CDF and DØ Measurement of WZ and ZZ
Production in b-tagged Final States with up to 9.5 fb-1 of Data Preliminary results. Validation of SM Higgs boson search techniques
in the same datasets and analysis techniques.
Most Recent 4th Generation Higgs Search Results
Summer 2011 Combined CDF and DØ upper limits on
gg→H→W+W- and Constraints on Fourth-Generation
Fermion Models with up to 8.2 fb-1 of data.
Assuming a heavy sequential fourth generation of fermions,
95% C.L. exclusion for a Higgs boson with mass mH between 124 and 286 GeV/c2.
Most Recent Fermiophobic Higgs Search Results
Summer 2011 Combined CDF and DØ upper limits on Fermiophobic Higgs Boson Production
with up to 8.2 fb-1. Preliminary Results. 95% C.L. exclusion of mH,Fermiophobic < 119 GeV/c2.
Most Recent MSSM Higgs Search Results
July 2012 Combined CDF
and DØ upper limits on neutral Higgs boson production in events
with multiple bottom quarks L=2.6fb-1 (CDF) and 5.2 fb-1 (DØ). Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Rapid Communications.
March 2010 Combined CDF and DØ upper limits on neutral MSSM Higgs boson production in the h/A/H→ττ decay mode with L=1.8fb-1 (CDF) and 2.2 fb-1 (DØ). Preliminary results.
Previous SM Higgs Search Results
Winter 2012 Combined CDF and DØ Searches for Standard Model Higgs Boson Production,
with Luminosities up to 10 fb-1 Preliminary Results. 95% C.L. exclusion of
147 < mH < 179 GeV/c2. A 2.2σ excess is seen that might
be interpreted as coming from a Higgs boson with a mass in the region of 115 to 135 GeV. Searches
for H→bb, H→W+W-, and H→γγ are combined.
Summer 2011 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard Model
Higgs Boson Production, with Luminosities up to 8.6 fb-1 Preliminary Results. 95% C.L. exclusion of
156 < mH < 177 GeV/c2.
Summer 2011 Combined CDF and DØ Upper limits on
Standard Model Higgs Boson production in the decay mode H→γγ with Luminosities up to 8.2 fb-1
Preliminary Results. 95% C.L. exclusion of 10.5 times the SM prediction at mH = 115 GeV/c2.
Winter 2011 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard Model
Higgs Boson Production, with Luminosities up to 8.2 fb-1 Preliminary Results.
95% C.L. exclusion for mH between 158 and 173 GeV/c2.
Summer 2010 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard Model
Higgs Boson Production, with Luminosities up to 6.7 fb-1 Preliminary Results
to concerns about the theoretical modeling of the SM gg→H signal
Update of October 5, 2010: Responses to Julien Baglio and Abdelhak Djouadi's
Addendum to: Predictions for Higgs production at the Tevatron and the associated uncertainties.
January 2010 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard Model Higgs Boson Production
in the H→W+W- decay mode with
L=4.8 fb-1 (CDF) and 5.4 fb-1 (DØ).
95% C.L. exclusion for mH between 162 and 166 GeV/c2.
Published in the February 12, 2010 issue of Physical Review Letters.
to concerns about the theoretical modeling of the SM gg→H signal
Fall 2009 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard Model
Higgs Boson Production, L=2.0-5.4 fb-1 Preliminary Results
Winter 2009 Combined
CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model
Higgs Boson Production, L=0.9-4.2 fb-1 Preliminary Results
Summer 2008 Combined
CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model
Higgs-Boson Production, L=1.0-3.0 fb-1
(high mass) Preliminary Results
Winter 2008
Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on
Standard-Model Higgs-Boson Production (low and high mass)
(April 10, 2008, with L=1.0-2.4 fb-1) Preliminary Results
Fall 2007 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model
Higgs-Boson Production (low and high mass)
(December 14, 2007, with L=0.9-1.9 fb-1) Preliminary Results
Summer 2006 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model
Higgs-Boson Production (low and high mass)
(August 2006, with L=0.3-1.0 fb-1) Preliminary Results
Previous 4th Generation Higgs Search Results
May 2010 Combined CDF and DØ upper limits on
gg→H→W+W- and Constraints on Fourth-Generation
Fermion Models, with L=4.8 fb-1 (CDF) and 5.4 fb-1 (DØ).
Published in Phys. Rev. D Rapid Communications:
T. Aaltonen et al (CDF and DØ Collaborations),
Phys. Rev. D 82, 011102(R) (2010).
Previous Spin and Parity Results
Summer 2014 preliminary spin and parity constraints
Combinations of CDF and DØ Searches for New Physics
Combination of CDF and DØ Limits on the Branching Ratio of B_s(d) to mu+ mu- Decays:
hep-ex/0508058, FERMILAB-FN-0777-E Preliminary Results
Combination of CDF and DØ Limits on a Gauge Mediated SUSY Model Using
Diphoton and Missing Transverse Energy Channel:
FERMILAB-PUB-05-052, Summary plot